Wednesday, January 2, 2013

12 Year Chronic Pain Warrior discovers the best foam rollers....

Are you wondering what is the best foam roller to help heal your body and roll away your aches and pains.

After surviving chronic pain for more than 12 years, Janet Anderson has discovered what everyone who is looking for a foam roller must know.

When considering different types of foam rollers, you need to ask yourself, are you looking to get out of pain or to create more pain in your body?  I'm sure the answer is, you want to get OUT of pain and promote healing.

After spending more than 10 years, rolling on hard foam rollers (black) to relieve my lower back, hip, neck and shoulder pain, I have recently discovered that I was inflaming and overexciting my nerves and muscles. Within the last year, I discovered the soft foam roller benefits.  Previously, I had been trying to release the scar tissue (fascia, connective tissue, adhesions, all the same thing)  that built up after wear and tear, working out and the many of stresses of life and I was irritating my nerves.  I was rolling each day to heal and the hard roller was causing more stress and pain in my body.  I used to sing John Cougar Mellencamp's song, "Hurts so GOOD" when rolling on the hard rollers.   When in reality I should of been singing "Hurts so BAD!" as it was very painful and BAD for my body.

I have never given up my journey to heal and find out what is stressing my body and making me hurt and feel stiff all the time.   The results have been amazing.  If you can't get a massage everyday, this is definitely the next best thing. Foam rolling has decreased the stiffness of the soft tissue and each day I'm more and more balanced.  The scar tissue and "stuck stress" has been released in my hips, shoulder blade and neck area and I have the mobility and flexibility throughout my body that I have been longing for.  I can now self massage my body on the roller without irritating my nerves.  As we have always heard, knowledge is power.   I feel empowered to share this with everyone on the planet.

Obviously, you are reading about soft foam roller reviews so you understand the importance of using a soft foam roller.  What you might not understand is there are many soft foam rollers available that may not benefit you.  Many soft foam rollers are too soft and are not supportive.  You want a roller that will support your structure and give your body the most benefit.  A high density soft foam roller is what you need.

That's why, after discovering the soft foam roller benefits, I recommend:
  1.   (blue or green) which provides a more firm compression.
  2. OPTP Pro Foam Rollers -  
  3. ODTP Soft Pro-Roller TM (pink) provides a more gentle compression and is soft yet supportive and creates a more stable environment for high risk users so that exercises are easier than on other rollers that are traditionally more firm.  This roller is great for people that have challenged backs.
  4. MELT SOFT PRO-ROLLER-  This is the only roller designed specifically for the techniques of the MELT Method, offering gentle compression without unnecessary discomfort. 
These are the only high quality long lasting foam rollers that I would buy and USE.  They all have cross-linked, closed-cell construction for lasting durability. They are 36 inches and 6 inches across.  They have some texture to them so grip nicely and don't slide around like many other rollers.

"The M.E.L.T. MethodTM (Myofascial Energetic Length Technique) is a a proactive, self-treatment approach to maintaining a pain-free, active lifestyle by rehydrating the connective tissue.  The OPTP PRO-ROLLERTM and SOFT PRO-ROLLERTM are the only rollers I recommend. 
            -Sue Hitzmann, MS, CST, NMT present for IDEA, ECA and IHRSA Somatic-
Movement Educator, Manual Therapist Longevity Fitness, Inc.

Also when deciding on a foam roller, it's important that you look for one that is guaranteed not to break down and not to get deformed. Rolling on an out of shape roller or one that doesn't support your body will be harmful to your body and defeat the purpose.  It's hard to roll on a roller that is out of shape or hurting your body.

Finally, anyone who is looking for a foam roller needs to pay attention to these foam roller reviews as using the best foam roller will make a big difference in your health.  The soft foam rollers I suggest allow you to self massage your body and release the tension and hydrate the connective tissues.   These are the same rollers they use in physical therapy offices and are very durable and sturdy.  When someone says, just get any roller and start rolling, don't listen to them.  The foam rollers may cost more but they will last longer and benefit your body in many many way. The roller you choose needs to be firm yet gentle on your body.    It needs to be guaranteed not to break down or get deformed. You also need to commit to USING it as often as possible to self treat yourself and bring your body back to where it is pain free, balanced and calm.   It's wonderful self massaging myself everyday,  I suggest you try it.

To get the recommended soft foam rollers and MELT book go here:


Youtube videos with Melt Method:  10 minutes and low back pain is gone!

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